Considering the sheer number of desserts Hyunho consumes throughout this tale, and Seung-yun’s ability to only taste sweet things via Hyunho, that could be considered a bad pun. But it really is a sweet story. Hyunho is a twenty year old innocent and he’s stuck paying back the debt his shitty father created and foisted onto him before disappearing.
For a minute he looks like he has the worst luck. He’s minding the business that pays the debts, and here comes some bandits to steal his job money from the armoured truck he’s working. Somehow–because in the manhwas the innocent are always forced to pay for the guilty–Hyunho ends up being held responsible for the missing money. How? Child I don’t know, but it’s the premise and how we got here, so hush and don’t complain.
This introduces him to Seung-yun, the scary gangster whose money was stolen. Seung-yun cannot taste sweet things. He hasn’t been able to taste anything sweet since his last lover died, so when Hyunho shows up, looking sweet, smelling sweet, and so unknowingly seductive, and worse, the first sweet thing he’s tasted in years, Seung-yunn is confused and intrigued.
The writing in this story is better than its art, and the art is very decent for this type of story. I, unusually, fell in love with the chibi panels and the way they were employed throughout the story. Often chibi panels can be distracting, but in this comedy they absolutely accentuate Hyunho’s innocence and cuteness. And Hyunho is cute.
I can get frustrated with innocent ukes, but Hyunho is a genuine sweetheart. And that’s why Seung-yun falls so hard. Since we stan a GreenFlagSeme around here, I can confirm Seung-yun’s kelly green color status. It is lovely watching him come to terms with his feelings and then simp hard as hell. And Seung-yunn has help in his simpin, and Hyunho has help in his utter captivation of Seung-yun’s senses and heart.
Namely three of the sweetest henchmen you’ll meet. Even the weird silent one is a sweetheart, but all three play a terrific supporting role in getting the relationship going, maintaining it, saving it and protecting it. I wish I had a crew like these three galumps.
The villain of this piece thus far is the weird half brother of a dude who has a crush on Hyunho, and who works for Seung-yun’s organization. His inncestuous, rapey fucking behaviour is stomach churning in places. And despite getting his ass beat down by Seung-yun and his whole crew, more than once, I know his crazy ass is going to be coming back to cause even more awful mayhem. What a fucking fright that one.
All in all, this is fairly stress free, and warm read. The dirty talk is top tier, I must say, Seung-yun’s mouth is filthy as fuck, and we’re totally here for it.
Very much enjoying this read.
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