We found an exceptional blog exploring the themes of agency and how Yashiro appears to exercise it, but indeed does not possess it. Outtakes below and the full link at the bottom. it’s a terrific read.
Everything is about se*, except se*: se* is about power.
Mistakenly attributed to Oscar Wilde; Robert Alan Glick in the 2002 book Constructing and Deconstructing Woman’s Power attributed the quote to Robert Michels
“Reading Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai, one of the questions I have been asking is: what is the scope of Yashiro’s agency? How much control can he exercise freely? To what extent his choices are limited by his suffering and his own copying mechanisms?
I am much more interested in the philosophical aspects of this story, rather than the psychological issues behind those questions – but both interpretations are at play. “
Via: neverwrittenblog